Decoding Revolutionary Correspondence

December 3, 1782, from Robert R. Livingston to Benjamin Franklin

Code/Cipher: WE008
Source: Papers of the Continental Congress, Roll 139, Page 353
Manuscript (
Electronic Text of Wharton (The Libary of Congress | American Memory)
Searchable Text of Sparks (Google)

In Plaintext

I have just now received the certificates required by Mr. Wallier. The vessel which carries my other despatches having been long detained, I embrace the opportunity to forward them. Nothing new since my last, except that, by a gentleman who left Charleston the 4th instant, we learn that the British had dismounted their cannon and were certainly on the point of leaving it.
The French troops embark next Monday. Their fleet will sail in a few days.
I am, sir, with great respect
& esteem
your most obedient, humble servant
Robert R. Livingston

Verification Dump

19 < th > [e] 174 < french > 225 < tro > 172 < op > .439 < em > 189 < bar >
88 < K > 119 < N > 4 < ex > 559 < T > 198 < mon > 609 < day > 569 < their[there] > 99 < F > 640 < L > 42 < E > 352 < et >
(Page 140)
495 < wil[will] > 130 < sa > 337 < il[ill] > 583 < in[inn] > 140 < A > 99 < F > 334 < ew > 609 < day > [s]

First posted on 23 September 2008. Last modified on 30 September 2008.
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